Sensible: how many times did I decide to tackle a new diet that was completely outside of my wheelhouse? The foods were different and difficult to find, not to mention expensive AF. Every meal and snack was a new recipe, so it took a ton of time (something I didn’t have). By not considering my finances, cooking abilities, the likes and dislikes of myself and my family or the time constraints of said plan, there was nothing sensible about it.
MMP considers all of it. Your time, your abilities, your finances and your preferences.
How many times have you looked at a meal plan and thought “Barf! I really don’t want to eat that”? Or maybe you’ve never actually even asked yourself if you enjoy what you’re eating.
Satisfaction is the hub of IE and it will be the priority of your meal plan. If you hate kale, quinoa and skinless chicken breasts, you’re likely not going to follow it for very long.
Which leads us to S #3: Sustainable. We talk about healthy eating in terms of THIS meal or snack. Healthy eating is about having a peaceful relationship with food LONG-TERM. Healthy eating includes ALL FOODS. Healthy eating is achieved over time in a way that is flexible enough to withstand the ups and downs of life.
By keeping these three S’s top of mind, I created a five-step process to Plan Your Plate.