It's possible to be Anti-diet and still have health goals.
Living your life as a Diet Rebel with concepts like Intuitive Eating, Body Acceptance and Health at Every Size doesn't happen naturally.
Goal setting can be tricky in this space as our world is infused with diet culture messages that try to equate size and health.
Waitlist Now Open
2023 dates coming soon
Living LIfe As A Rebel is for folks who are fed up with diet culture's unrealistic expectations, unsustainable programs and 'not enough' messaging who are also looking to pursue healthy habit changes - mental, physical or psychological. Health is about so much more than what you eat and how much you move!
Focus on your health without ending up
on a diet
Wellness culture picked up where diet culture left off. Learn how to prioritize your health without all the bullsh*t
Know what YOU want, not what you think you should want.
It's common to be confused about what to eat and what to focus on. It doesn't have to be.
Build your team of Diet Rebels
Diet and wellness culture are literally everywhere in life. It's important to curate a safe place where you can share your wins and commiserate too. Opting out of diet culture can feel lonely, and it doesn't have to be.
Who is this for?
This program is designed for you if you're...
...wanting to focus on your health but don't want to end up dieting again
It's too easy to fall victim to diet and wellness culture right now. They've co-opted our terms so they can sneak their way to the anti-diet space. Don't be fooled. Your health CAN be a priority without the weight-loss rhetoric.
...enjoying the 'no food rules' but are wondering if maybe you need some
Rebound eating is a normal part of re-establishing a healthy relationship with food. Some people find themselves unsure how to recocile eating healthfully without the rules. We got that covered.
...confused about what to I WANT it? Or do I think that I SHOULD want it?
When intuitive eaters start to crave more nutritious foods and less of the pleasure foods, they're not always sure if they can trust it. You will learn how to tease out the should's so that you can feel confident in your food choices.
This journey is about creating sensible, satisfying and (most importantly) sustainable behaviour changes.
If not weight-loss, then what? Your why matters. It's what gets you going and it's what'll keep you going. In this phase you'll identify your purpose, clear your path and connect with the power that'll keep you going.
Once you're clear about where you're going, you'll need to make sure that you have the energy to get there. Honouring your physical needs will connect you to the calm that you need for Renew.
Now that you're addressing your basic needs, you'll feel connected to your body's wants and needs. That opens up the space to renew your psyche through the power of pause, peace and play.
Over the course of nine weeks, you'll set goals that matter to YOU. Then you'll establish the habits and routines necessary to keep those goals. All of this will be done while you listen to your body and unlearn all of the damage that diet culture has done.
What's Included
Learning Modules
Each week a new learning module will become available for you to watch, for a total of nine. They are typically less than thirty minutes so that they can fit into your busy life.
The video is accompanied by a worksheet that you can use to deepen your learning.
Access to these modules is available to you forever. So you can take a break if you need to or come back to key lessons when you need them in the future.
Group Connection
Connection calls are scheduled weekly so that you can connect with like minded Diet Rebels. You can also connect with them in a Private Facebook Group. There you will also be able to get support from seasoned Diet Rebels - alumni of the program.
Choosing to ditch culture is a radical act. You'll need your team to navigate.
Coaching from Kerri
You won't be alone for a minute. Coaching is available during the weekly connection calls. Bring your win, your question or your challenge and Kerri will help you navigate your way through.
Kerri is also available between calls on the Facebook group to help support you.
Intuitive Eating Foundations Course
You may need some Intuitive Eating refreshers along the way. Since you'll have access to the Intuitive Eating Foundations Course, you'll be able to watch or listen to Principles 1-7, AND have access to the worksheets and cheatsheets too.
Bonus interviews
Over the years I've interviewed some pretty amazing people. You'll have access to each of these interviews covering topics such as: On-Screen Body Image, Mindset, Joyful Movement and more.
Mindful Meal Planning
Meal planning isn't just for following a diet. Learn my five-step process to plan your plate to avoid being over-hungry or choosing foods that you don't really love just because it's all that was available.
Frequently asked questions
Here are a few answers to the most common questions
Like all of my programs, Living Life As A Rebel is weight neutral. That means that you will learn to trust that your body will find it's right size when you start to care for it. Weight is not a measurement of success and only weight neutral language will be tolerated.
Recordings of each Connection Call will be provided. You can send your question through via Facebook or email and Kerri will discuss the question with the group. That way you can learn from Kerri and the group even if you're away.
Most North Americans will fall into the category of disordered eating (occasional binge, weight cycling, swinging from restriction to overeating). This program is designed for them. Eating disorders that are active or newly into recovery need more personal and nuanced care. I'd be happy to chat with you about resources are available for you.
The short answer is no. Group programs do not qualify as Naturopathic services and cannot be submitted for reimbursement.
I've priced this program to be as accessible as it can be - it breaks out to be about $10 per touchpoint and you get lifetime access.
I'd like you to be able to see me for your naturopathic needs alongside this program, not instead of.
Please see the Q&A on payments plans.
This program is designed for people who are familiar with the concepts of Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size™ and Body Acceptance. While they may still feel clumsy with implementing them, they're largely on board with the Anti-diet movement and have some experience.
A bonus of this program is access to the Intuitive Eating Foundations program. This means that extra support is always at your fingertips if you find that you're struggling a bit.
If all of this is new to you but you're intrigued by what this programs offers, then book a call with Kerri so that she help you get started with ditching diet culture.
As long as you'd like. You'll have access to the content in the portal forever, including the Connection Call recordings from your group. The Facebook group is a constant contact to Kerri and the group as well.
The Connection Calls are run LIVE during the 9 weeks. So that part of the program is the only bit with a time limitation.
Once you register for the program you will be sent login details through email. Once you open the email, login to the portal and find the first module ready to watch. The Intuitive Eating Foundations Program is also instantly available to you as a Bonus so you can start consuming great content right away.
Inside the portal you'll also find the Zoom link for the Connection calls. The link to the Facebook group is also provided right away on the Thank-you page so that you can start connecting with other Diet Rebels straight away.
Absolutely. You can make a one-time payment of $249 or you can split that up over 3 payment of $84.
*taxes extra
Dr. Kerri Fullerton ND
I'm excited that you're here. Let me introduce myself.
HAES™ Naturopath and Intuitive Eating Counselor
I've been an ND for 20 years (but I don't feel old enough to say that!). My practice has been weight-neutral since 2015 and I got certified as an intuitive eating counselor in 2018.
Mom to a human and a dog
I have a teenager (who I genuinely like as a person) and a great big dog that rarely leaves my side. You'll find us cuddling on the couch, playing in the water (I love kayaking), walking amongst the trees or skiing (yes, we're those annoying people who love snow).
It's all about the kids
My mission is to raise a generation that doesn't look to their body for their happiness, self-worth or confidence. Thank-you for helping me do that.