It's time to un-complicate food.

Are you confused about what to eat? Are you frustrated with trying to feed your family? Do you feel defeated or let down by your body?

Why This Course is Good for you?

  • 1

    Imagine if food were easy .

    Are you tired of spending hours Googling about food and/or weight loss? Have you had enough of constantly thinking about food or your body? 

    How great would it be if you could have that time back?  

  • 2

    Emotional eating, comfort eating, and stress eating become a thing of the past.

    We live in a "what to eat" culture where food is concerned. Unfortunately, emotional eating, stress eating and comfort eating CANNOT be fixed by changing WHAT you eat. Almost half of all adults admit to feeling guilty when they eat food that they enjoy. How great would it be if you didn't have to feel guilty anymore? If food could be pleasurable again?

  • 3

    Your health matters.

    Are you tired of all of the conflicting information? My patients sure are. Over the last 15 years as a Naturopathic Doctor I've seen many claims about food. The headlines have us believing that we're just one bite away from disease or that this newly discovered way of eating is our salvation. 

    The truth is, all of this information is causing more harm than good. It's causing disordered eating in our kids, poor body image, and low self-confidence. AND it's not even leading to long-term health. 

  • 4

    It's time to end the weight-cycling.

    Are you tired of losing and gaining the same pounds over and over again?  It's not good for your health - physically or emotionally. 

    Intuitive Eating is your way out of this vicious cycle. 95% of intentional weight loss end in weight gain. In fact, the best predictor for future weight gain is watching your weight right now. It's time to play a new game. A game that you can win. 

Kimberley Banfield

Coach and Mentor to Female Entrepreneurs

I was worried about how I looked all the time.

Kerri’s work has really helped me to transform the way I think and feel about food and my body. I used to look at food and think about all the things I ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’ be eating. I was constantly stressed about doing the ‘right’ thing and being perfect which meant I could never enjoy myself despite loving food! Now (thanks to Kerri) I tune into my body and I listen to it first. 

I’m trusting myself again and I’m back to enjoying my life and making choices from a place of fun!

Here's What We're Going To Do!

No matter what you're learning style is, I've got you covered. You'll have a multitude of multimedia to choose from. 

Each Module follows the Intuitive Eating Principles with two bonus sections:

Raising Intuitive Eaters and Living Life Intuitively.

There's videos, audios, journal prompts, weekly emails, infographics, tips,

tools, and exercises so that you can implement the principle right away.

Don't worry! You don't have to use each and every one. Just the ones that work best for you. 


Recognize how diet culture has caused you harm. Learn why the diets and lifestyle have never worked long-term and why more willpower is not going to help. When you know how to recognize a dieting trap, you'll be able to shift gears quickly. 


Knowing what subtle hunger feels like for you will allow you to stay in control. Primal hunger, or Hangry, is a place where moderation and mindfulness disappear. Learning to trust your signals is the first step to food confidence. 


This is how you'll reconcile the 'forbidden foods' without it turning into a binge. Using a system will build trust and leave you feeling safe and empowered. You'll learn how all foods can fit into a healthy eating lifestyle.


The Food Police are the voices in your head that dictate what's 'good' and what's 'bad'. It's them that leaves you feeling guilty. This module is all about taking back the space in your mind so that you can feel confident in your ability to eat.


Learn what comfortably full feels like. And then, learn how to stop at this point. Get comfortable with leaving food behind or clearing your plate - trust that you know. Explore what keeps you eating beyond comfort and how to change it. 


Food is meant to be enjoyed. It's time to come back to pleasure. When you're eating what truly satisfies you - both your hunger and your palate, you're much more likely to stop at 'enough'. We'll also explore 'how' to eat.  


Emotional eating isn't by default 'wrong'. Understand where you fall on the spectrum and how to slide towards self-care instead of self-harm. Learn a variety of tools to use in order to manage your emotions without using food.  


You can't hate yourself healthy. By learning how to respect your 'now' body, you'll be able to develop a healthy body image (and maybe even self-love). Learn how to handle 'fat' days, shopping for clothes, and that critical voice in your head.  


Make exercise an act of self-care instead of punishment. Feel what it feels like to move for pleasure instead of burning calories. Learn how to set fitness and health goals that aren't cosmetic. Develop a life-long relationship with exercise. 


Let nutrition guide instead of dictate. Make food choices that honour your health AND your taste buds. Perfection is not required.


In this module you'll learn how to support your child in developing at healthy relationship with food and their bodies.  


Now it's time to pull it all together. Troubleshoot common challenges. Learn how to set boundaries. Step back into living life to the fullest. 

Here's What You're Going To Get!

You'll end up confident in knowing what you're body is telling you. When it's hungry, what it's hungry for, and how much it needs. You'll also know how to recognize when food is not the answer and what to do.

You won't need to be afraid of having certain foods in the house. Does your partner love to snack? No problem. You'll join then when it's right for you and be able to decline when it's not. 

 You'll be able to honour your health without falling into food guilt and food confusion. 


Mom, HR

I was worried that I'd fail.

Before starting the program I was worried I would fail. That this would be just another diet. When in fact, we spoke very little about WHAT to eat. And yet 12 weeks later I am making better choices, smaller portions all because I have changed on the inside. Had nothing to do with being told to eat a certain amount of something at a certain time.

About The Host

You can't hate yourself healthy. After decades of personal struggle and another decade of watching patients struggle, Dr. Kerri knew that there must be another way. Traditional diet, lifestyle and fitness recommendations just weren't leading to long-term health. Instead they were leaving women feeling confused, frustrated and defeated. Even worse, these women were gaining more weight, developing disordered eating habits and negative self-image.

In 2009 she learned about Intuitive Eating and was immediately impressed. Here was a system, backed by research, to help women overcome the negative impacts of chronic dieting.

Now Dr. Kerri is dedicated to helping women find peace and power with their bodies. Her big mission is to help the next generation never fall victim to the diet, fitness, and fashion industries. They won't look to their bodies for their happiness, confidence, or self-worth.

Dr. Kerri Fullerton ND

Intuitive Eating and Body Acceptance Coach

No Worries... We have you covered!

Unlike a quick detox or 2-week plan, this is the long-game. No need to worry!

There's lots to keep you engaged and on-track. Miss a week? No problem. Come back to it when you're ready.


Download your PDF for each module to help you integrate the principle.

Real Tools

Print off handy infographics to remind you to practice the principles in your life.

As Much Or As Little

You can cancel your membership at any time for any reason. 

Is this Course Right for You?

Intuitive Eating is unlike anything else that you've done. It's not mindful eating, it's not a plan that you do for bit. It's a mindset that you adopt. It's the long-game; a commitment that you make to listening to your body and to honouring it's needs.

Intuitive Eating Is:

  • Backed by research to promote health .

  • Sustainable and confidence building.

  • How you reconcile forbidden foods and still eat healthfully.

  • The way to bring pleasure and satisfaction back to eating.

Intuitive Eating Is NOT?

  • A weight-loss program or 'quick fix'.

  • An eat-what-you-want-whenever-you-want plan.

  • A blind set of rules telling you what to eat or not eat.

  • Permission to binge.

From women just like you.


Mom, Office Manager

Learning to respect my body.

Working with Kerri has had tremendous impact on how I think about my body and an increased awareness of how I speak to my daughter about hers. Learning to respect myself and the amazing things my body has done for me has really helped frame my language and approach in a positive way. I want my daughter to grow up realizing how strong she is both inside and out. I am so glad I joined this movement and the amazing Rebel community.


Pibworth Solutions Inc.

Can't hate yourself healthy.

My biggest take away revolves not around food (at least not only around food) but it is the deep seated understanding that as long as I am hating my body, I will never give it the care it deserves. I have begun to care for myself again. I exercise because it feels good, not because I am punishing myself for what I ate. I choose foods that make my mouth AND my body feel good, and the guilt that dogged me constantly is gone. I find myself simply being happier.


Mom , Office Manager

Constantly feeling guilty.

I was most struggling with the idea of what was healthy when it came to eating. I was constantly thinking "this is bad food, I shouldn't be eating this stuff". Constantly feeling guilty of what I was putting in my body. Kerri is wonderful! Any conversation you will have with her will be honest and thoughtful and many times just funny!.

Bonuses. You don't want to miss this!

Support is where it's at. These bonuses are designed with your success in mind.

Getting Started Session.   Value $150

Where do I start?! By booking in with Kerri for your one-on-one Getting Started Session.

Intuitive Eating isn't a straight line and not everyone needs to go from Principle 1 to 2 to 3 and so on. Kerri will take the time to find out where you are now, where you're struggling, and what's likely going to get in the way. She can then direct you to which principles to master first. 

Goal Setting Session.   Value $150

When you're used to setting weight-based goals it can be hard to shift into health-based goals. This goal setting session is designed to help you make some SMART-HEART goals. Female brains work differently and we need to honour that. By adding your HEART into your SMART you'll be able to stay on track when life gets messy.

Start Today! Choose Your Program Below.

I strongly encourage you to choose a Coaching option. While self-paced will give you all of the same content, you're on your own to follow it. For years I tried to do it on my own. And I made a lot of positive change that way. It wasn't until I had a guide, a mentor, that I really 'got it' though. This is a new language so it helps to have someone who speaks it to teach you the nuances. 


Start today with this self-paced option. You'll get instant access to the program portal so that you can start right away.

  • Full Access to Learning Portal 

  • Monthly Q&A

  • Group Support from IEF Community


Get all the same content as the Self-paced with the added support of bi-weekly group calls. 

  • Email support

  • Full Access to Learning Portal 

  • Group Support from IEF Community

  • Bi-weekly Group Coaching Calls LIVE


If you'd prefer the personal time with me you can apply for a Private Coaching Option. 

  • Unlimited Email Support

  • Full Access to Learning Portal 

  • Group Support from IEF Community

  • Bi-weekly Group Coaching Calls LIVE

  • Bi-weekly Private 1:1 Coaching Calls


You've got questions? I've got answers.

When does the program start?

What if I can't make some of the calls ?

I'm new to Intuitive Eating. Will I be overwhelmed ?

I've already read the book. Will the course still be useful to me?

Will I lose weight ?

I have a medical condition (like diabetes or food allergies). Can I still participate?

How long will I need to be in the program for?

Do you still have a question that wasn't answered here? Click the button below and ask away.

The Diet Rebellion

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