Here's What We're Going To Do!
No matter what you're learning style is, I've got you covered. You'll have a multitude of multimedia to choose from.
Each Module follows the Intuitive Eating Principles with two bonus sections:
Raising Intuitive Eaters and Living Life Intuitively.
There's videos, audios, journal prompts, weekly emails, infographics, tips,
tools, and exercises so that you can implement the principle right away.
Don't worry! You don't have to use each and every one. Just the ones that work best for you.
Recognize how diet culture has caused you harm. Learn why the diets and lifestyle have never worked long-term and why more willpower is not going to help. When you know how to recognize a dieting trap, you'll be able to shift gears quickly.
Knowing what subtle hunger feels like for you will allow you to stay in control. Primal hunger, or Hangry, is a place where moderation and mindfulness disappear. Learning to trust your signals is the first step to food confidence.
This is how you'll reconcile the 'forbidden foods' without it turning into a binge. Using a system will build trust and leave you feeling safe and empowered. You'll learn how all foods can fit into a healthy eating lifestyle.
The Food Police are the voices in your head that dictate what's 'good' and what's 'bad'. It's them that leaves you feeling guilty. This module is all about taking back the space in your mind so that you can feel confident in your ability to eat.
Learn what comfortably full feels like. And then, learn how to stop at this point. Get comfortable with leaving food behind or clearing your plate - trust that you know. Explore what keeps you eating beyond comfort and how to change it.
Food is meant to be enjoyed. It's time to come back to pleasure. When you're eating what truly satisfies you - both your hunger and your palate, you're much more likely to stop at 'enough'. We'll also explore 'how' to eat.
Emotional eating isn't by default 'wrong'. Understand where you fall on the spectrum and how to slide towards self-care instead of self-harm. Learn a variety of tools to use in order to manage your emotions without using food.
You can't hate yourself healthy. By learning how to respect your 'now' body, you'll be able to develop a healthy body image (and maybe even self-love). Learn how to handle 'fat' days, shopping for clothes, and that critical voice in your head.
Make exercise an act of self-care instead of punishment. Feel what it feels like to move for pleasure instead of burning calories. Learn how to set fitness and health goals that aren't cosmetic. Develop a life-long relationship with exercise.
Let nutrition guide instead of dictate. Make food choices that honour your health AND your taste buds. Perfection is not required.
In this module you'll learn how to support your child in developing at healthy relationship with food and their bodies.
Now it's time to pull it all together. Troubleshoot common challenges. Learn how to set boundaries. Step back into living life to the fullest.
Here's What You're Going To Get!
You'll end up confident in knowing what you're body is telling you. When it's hungry, what it's hungry for, and how much it needs. You'll also know how to recognize when food is not the answer and what to do.
You won't need to be afraid of having certain foods in the house. Does your partner love to snack? No problem. You'll join then when it's right for you and be able to decline when it's not.
You'll be able to honour your health without falling into food guilt and food confusion.